Ways to Reduce Water Wastage

by Ryan Christensen 07/29/2020


Water is one of the greatest, most abundant, natural resources on earth and one of the most wasted in the home. If you use water excessively, there's a good chance your water bill will create a deep hole in your pocket. Not only will conserving water save you money, but it will also help you reduce the strain on the environment that water wastage causes. Here are a few tips to conserve water for those who have made drought-prone areas, such as California, their home.

Turn Off Faucets That Aren't In Use

Start saving on your water bill by reducing how long you leave your faucet running when doing chores like washing dishes. If you're brushing your teeth or shaving, there's no need to keep the tap running. Instead, try keeping a cup of water close for rinsing.

Be sure to check your faucets to ensure they aren't leaking. If they are, you could be losing as much as 20 gallons of water each day, and leaky toilets may waste more than 150 gallons daily.

Buy An Energy Efficient Washing Machine

The average American household washes over 300 loads of laundry per year. It is responsible for more than thirty percent of all indoor water usage in a home and should be considered when looking for more effective ways to conserve water. Consider investing in a front-loading or high-efficiency washing machine to save water instead of a standard top loader.

When looking for a new washing machine, check for an Energy Star certification tag. Energy Star certified devices save upwards of forty percent more water over standard machines. They do this by ensuring that the same stream of water washes clothes without refilling the washer's tub. High-pressure sprays are used to ensure that your clothes come out cleaner while using less water.

Hand-Water Your Lawn

If you have a smaller garden, then installing a sprinkler system may only waste water and cost you money. Instead, buy a watering can and water by hand. However, automatic irrigation systems could save you time and money if you happen to have a large yard that requires frequent watering. For small gardens, utilizing a hose uses one-third of the water that an automated sprinkler would use.

If you need to use a sprinkler system, then invest in a weather-based sprinkler monitor that can adjust to the current weather conditions and provide efficiently rotated sprinkler heads that will use less water.

Water can add up in the realm of wasted resources and extra expenses. These tips may help you save on water and reduce your utility bills. Installing water-conserving systems in your home may also give you an edge on the competition when selling, so talk to your real estate agent about the best ways to make your home more water-friendly.

About the Author

Ryan Christensen

Responsive, Responsible and Resourceful - How Real Estate Should Be. This is the foundation of our continued success: responsive service, providing accurate and timely information, and demystifying the process. 100% of my business is referral based because I listen to my clients' needs and exceed their expectations. As a full-time real estate broker, I am the best advocate for both my buyers and sellers. I am always available, regardless of the time of day.

 Being a native Southern Californian is a tremendous advantage. I know the area. Time is more valuable than money, but neither can be wasted. And, I'm a fan of hard work. My clients can enjoy their home buying and/or selling experience because I provide a trusting, focused, straightforward approach. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and find joy in homeownership.

 I am both a licensed Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. Others choose to concentrate on one or the other. I provide a higher level of service and expertise than those who do not obtain this dual skill set, which differentiates me from other service providers. My decisions and advice are based solely on what is in the best interest of my clients. I use Real Estate Sales as a tool to make sure my clients get the home that meets or exceeds their needs. As a Mortgage Broker, I search for the best loans so I can offer lower rates and pricing than my financing competition. This certainly IS in the client's best interest.