Water Saving Tips

by Ryan Christensen 08/19/2022

The average Californian uses 196 gallons of water per day, and 60% of that is
used outdoors. But California is in a severe drought, and every household is being
asked to save water, because even small changes can make a big difference.

Use the tips to find the right combination you can take to reduce water use:

CUTTING BACK ON LAWN WATERING even for one day a week cansave up to 20% more water.

SWITCHING TO WATER-WISE PLANTS can save 30–60 gallons per 1000 sq. ft. each time you water.

ADJUSTING SPRINKLER HEADS & FIXING LEAKS can save up to 6,300 gallons of waterper month.

SETTING LAWNMOWER BLADES TO 3”saves 16–50 gallons per day by encouraging deeper roots.

USING MULCH keeps water in the soil and saves up to 30 gallons of water each time you water.

WATERING EARLY MORNING OR LATE EVENING saves 50% of sprinkler water otherwise lost to wind and evaporation.

USING A BROOM TO CLEAN OUTDOOR AREAS saves 6 gallons every minute you’re not running the hose.




About the Author

Ryan Christensen

Responsive, Responsible and Resourceful - How Real Estate Should Be. This is the foundation of our continued success: responsive service, providing accurate and timely information, and demystifying the process. 100% of my business is referral based because I listen to my clients' needs and exceed their expectations. As a full-time real estate broker, I am the best advocate for both my buyers and sellers. I am always available, regardless of the time of day.

 Being a native Southern Californian is a tremendous advantage. I know the area. Time is more valuable than money, but neither can be wasted. And, I'm a fan of hard work. My clients can enjoy their home buying and/or selling experience because I provide a trusting, focused, straightforward approach. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and find joy in homeownership.

 I am both a licensed Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. Others choose to concentrate on one or the other. I provide a higher level of service and expertise than those who do not obtain this dual skill set, which differentiates me from other service providers. My decisions and advice are based solely on what is in the best interest of my clients. I use Real Estate Sales as a tool to make sure my clients get the home that meets or exceeds their needs. As a Mortgage Broker, I search for the best loans so I can offer lower rates and pricing than my financing competition. This certainly IS in the client's best interest.