Spring Cleaning Checklist - The Ultimate Guide to a Spotless Home

by Ryan Christensen 03/27/2023

Spring is a time of newness, awakening, and joy. Get ready for spring with a fresh, clean home by following these essential spring cleaning tips and checklists.

Three Spring Cleaning Tips:

Here are three important tips to keep in mind while spring cleaning:

1. Out with the Old

While shedding the layers of winter, you can shed the weight of clutter! Spring is the best time to go through your household and eliminate untouched or unnecessary items.

A great way to approach this is by using the Marie Kondo method of, “Do you love it?” If you don’t love it, get rid of it!

2. Don’t Forget the Overlooked Areas

When creating a spring cleaning checklist, lots of obvious tasks come to mind: washing sheets, vacuuming floors, cleaning out the fridge, etc. But it’s important to remember the overlooked areas, too.

These areas include:

  • Cleaning all the baseboards
  • Washing the walls
  • Cleaning the kitchen drain/garbage disposal
  • Dusting off light fixtures

These are areas of the house that don’t typically come to mind during routine cleaning, so it’s important to tackle them during spring cleaning.

3. Revitalize Your Space

Spring cleaning is a good time to revitalize your living space by getting new furniture or painting the walls a new color. Your home impacts your mental health, so take good care of it and make it yours!

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Here’s the ultimate spring cleaning checklist for every room in your household:

  • Sweep or vacuum floors
  • Mop the floor or shampoo the carpet
  • Scrub baseboards
  • Dust and clean light fixtures
  • Replace light bulbs when needed
  • Sanitize high-tough surfaces, like door handles and light switches
  • Clean windows and window sills
  • Replace air filters
  • Dust and clean air vents
  • Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
  • Clean furniture by polishing, vacuuming, or treating it with a special solution

By going through the above items in every room, your house will not only be sparklingly clean, but safe and healthy, too!

Checklists by Room

For the bedrooms in your home, make sure that you:

  • Flip mattresses
  • Dust bookshelves and nightstands
  • Dust electronics
  • Organize toys or play areas
  • Wash stuffed animals
  • Clean pillows
  • Dust and clean blinds and curtain rods

Keeping the bedrooms clean and free of dust will encourage both better sleep and better respiratory health!

In your bathrooms, you can:

  • Clean the toilet
  • Clean razors, makeup brushes, or other personal products
  • Discard unused or expired hygiene products and medications
  • Clean the showerhead
  • Replace your plastic shower curtain liner
  • Scrub the grout

It is crucial to keep your bathrooms thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

For your kitchen, you will want to:

  • Clean the sink, including the garbage disposal
  • Clean out the fridge and freezer by discarding expired food items and wiping down surfaces
  • Clean the stovetop, oven, microwave, and dishwasher
  • Go through your pantry to discard expired items, and consider donating unused food items to a food pantry
  • Discard old sponges and sanitize cleaning tools

A clean, organized kitchen makes it easier to meal prep or cook during busy times.

A Healthy, Happy, and Clean Home

Physical dirt and clutter can negatively impact your mental and emotional health. A clean home encourages a healthier and happier family. Open the windows, play some music, and make spring cleaning a family event — the benefits of which everyone can reap together.

About the Author

Ryan Christensen

Responsive, Responsible and Resourceful - How Real Estate Should Be. This is the foundation of our continued success: responsive service, providing accurate and timely information, and demystifying the process. 100% of my business is referral based because I listen to my clients' needs and exceed their expectations. As a full-time real estate broker, I am the best advocate for both my buyers and sellers. I am always available, regardless of the time of day.

 Being a native Southern Californian is a tremendous advantage. I know the area. Time is more valuable than money, but neither can be wasted. And, I'm a fan of hard work. My clients can enjoy their home buying and/or selling experience because I provide a trusting, focused, straightforward approach. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and find joy in homeownership.

 I am both a licensed Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. Others choose to concentrate on one or the other. I provide a higher level of service and expertise than those who do not obtain this dual skill set, which differentiates me from other service providers. My decisions and advice are based solely on what is in the best interest of my clients. I use Real Estate Sales as a tool to make sure my clients get the home that meets or exceeds their needs. As a Mortgage Broker, I search for the best loans so I can offer lower rates and pricing than my financing competition. This certainly IS in the client's best interest.