Ideas For Improving the Appearance of Your Home

by Ryan Christensen 04/13/2020

If your house is currently on the market or you're preparing to put it up for sale, the secret of success lies in the lyrics of an old popular song called "Accentuate The Positive." Although it was originally published in 1944, the song has been resurfacing for years on television, in movies, and music recordings.

"Accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative" may seem like basic, old-fashioned advice, but when homeowners follow it, they increase their chances of selling their home faster and for the highest possible price.

Although your real estate agent will provide a ton of helpful advice on how to present your house in its best light, there are dozens of things you can start doing now to improve its marketability, curb appeal, and the positive response you get from real estate agents and buyers.

  • Avoid or minimize any aspect of your home and property that gives the impression of neglect. That could include anything from peeling paint and cracked windows to overgrown bushes and weedy yards. Weeds growing out of cracks in walkways, driveways, and concrete flooring often looks the worst -- but weeds, in general, always detract from the appearance of a home for sale.
  • Reduce or eliminate anything that might create a feeling of "unpleasantness" in the minds of prospects. In other words, if there's anything about your home that might cause buyers to cringe, frown, gasp, crinkle their nose (in displeasure) or shake their heads, then you probably need to take corrective action -- and fast! A prime example would be pet odors, stains, and loose fur, which can be major turnoffs for many people -- especially if they have allergies!
  • If little or no interior painting has been done over the past five or ten years, there's a strong chance that your walls are faded, marred, and looking worse for the wear. A couple coats of neutral-colored paint can often infuse a more vibrant, updated appearance to those tired-looking rooms. Subtle, light colors -- although, not necessarily stark white -- are often advisable. The objective is to appeal to as many people as possible, without taking any decorating risks that might alienate anyone.
  • Speaking of "harsh versus eye-pleasing," your home's lighting is another important thing to scrutinize when looking for cost-effective ways to increase the attractiveness, appeal, and marketability of your home.
As you're searching for ways to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, try to view your home from the perspective of someone who's just seeing it for the first time. In all probability, your real estate agent will be enormously helpful in that respect, and immediately begin looking for ways to effectively stage your home. If they've been showing homes in your area for a number of years, they will have a good sense of what attracts and repels today's home buyer. Your agent can provide a professional opinion on everything from flooring and counter tops to wall colors and curb appeal.
About the Author

Ryan Christensen

Responsive, Responsible and Resourceful - How Real Estate Should Be. This is the foundation of our continued success: responsive service, providing accurate and timely information, and demystifying the process. 100% of my business is referral based because I listen to my clients' needs and exceed their expectations. As a full-time real estate broker, I am the best advocate for both my buyers and sellers. I am always available, regardless of the time of day.

 Being a native Southern Californian is a tremendous advantage. I know the area. Time is more valuable than money, but neither can be wasted. And, I'm a fan of hard work. My clients can enjoy their home buying and/or selling experience because I provide a trusting, focused, straightforward approach. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and find joy in homeownership.

 I am both a licensed Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. Others choose to concentrate on one or the other. I provide a higher level of service and expertise than those who do not obtain this dual skill set, which differentiates me from other service providers. My decisions and advice are based solely on what is in the best interest of my clients. I use Real Estate Sales as a tool to make sure my clients get the home that meets or exceeds their needs. As a Mortgage Broker, I search for the best loans so I can offer lower rates and pricing than my financing competition. This certainly IS in the client's best interest.