What You Need To Know About Your Credit Score

by Ryan Christensen 04/14/2020

When you want to buy a home, you know that good credit will be necessary. You may have heard some things about your credit score that just aren’t true. Read on to set the record straight on some of the most significant misconceptions about credit. 

Checking Your Credit Only Gives You Knowledge

Checking your credit score or report will not lower your score. The only way checking a score is damaging to a credit score is in the form of credit inquiries. This is when a lender, employer, or other merchant checks your credit in order for you to either gain employment or open a new line of credit. You have the right to review your score without it being impacted. 

You Shouldn’t Carry Balances

The best way to keep a high credit score is to use a credit card and pay the balance off in full each month. It’s a false belief that carrying a balance is an excellent way to increase your credit score. You need a low debt level to maintain a good credit score. 

Your Age And Income Have Nothing To Do With Your Score

It’s natural that older people who have a longer credit history have a better shot a good credit score, but your age has nothing to do with your score. It all depends on when you established credit. Some people started their credit histories early because their parents opened accounts for them. Others needed to wait awhile before opening their first credit card account. 

Your income also is not a factor in determining your credit score. It may be true that if you have a higher income, it’s easier to stay out of debt, but the amount of money you make has no direct impact on your score. 

You Cannot Access Your Credit Score For Free

You have a legal right to obtain a free copy of your credit report once a year but, your credit score isn't included in this report. There are free services that are outside of your credit report that will give you your credit rating, but you need to search for them. It’s a good idea to check your credit report periodically, but you should also know your score especially if you're getting ready to make a big purchase such as buying a home.

Your Credit Matters More Than You Think

While you know your credit score matters when you head to get a home loan, you may not know just how many entities take your credit into account when you apply for them. Some things you may do where your credit score matters:

Apply for a job

Apply for a credit card

Rent an apartment

Sign up for phone and Internet services

Get other utilities in your home

Your credit history gives a picture to the world to let them know if you’re financially stressed. If you have gone through rough patches, there are always ways to bring your score up. If you had a judgment ruled against you in a lawsuit, for example, that would only appear on your credit report for a certain number of years. Lenders will often allow you to explain bumps in your credit report as well. Understanding credit is half the battle to a good score!      

About the Author

Ryan Christensen

Responsive, Responsible and Resourceful - How Real Estate Should Be. This is the foundation of our continued success: responsive service, providing accurate and timely information, and demystifying the process. 100% of my business is referral based because I listen to my clients' needs and exceed their expectations. As a full-time real estate broker, I am the best advocate for both my buyers and sellers. I am always available, regardless of the time of day.

 Being a native Southern Californian is a tremendous advantage. I know the area. Time is more valuable than money, but neither can be wasted. And, I'm a fan of hard work. My clients can enjoy their home buying and/or selling experience because I provide a trusting, focused, straightforward approach. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals and find joy in homeownership.

 I am both a licensed Real Estate and Mortgage Broker. Others choose to concentrate on one or the other. I provide a higher level of service and expertise than those who do not obtain this dual skill set, which differentiates me from other service providers. My decisions and advice are based solely on what is in the best interest of my clients. I use Real Estate Sales as a tool to make sure my clients get the home that meets or exceeds their needs. As a Mortgage Broker, I search for the best loans so I can offer lower rates and pricing than my financing competition. This certainly IS in the client's best interest.