Tag: Design

Posted on 05/01/2024
Contemporary interior design: 4 key elements
While the term "modern design" might evoke a sense of cold minimalism, the contemporary interior design can offer warmth and comfort alongside a modern edge. If you're interested in learning more about contemporary interior design and how you might use it in your own home décor, there are some key concepts to know. Here are four major elements...
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Posted on 06/14/2023
5 Kitchen Trends to Avoid When Selling Your Home
Unfortunately, some trends do not keep their appeal long-term. If you’re designing your kitchen based on popular past trends, you might find yourself stuck with a dated aesthetic years later. Sometimes, dated kitchen features can even work against you when selling your home. If you’re putting your house on the market and considering some kitchen updates, here are...
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Posted on 10/19/2022
Interior Architect vs. Interior Designer
When you’re having a home built, you’ll be working with a team of design professionals and builders. While you might already have builders lined up, who handles the design side of your project? Interior architects and interior designers are two different types of professionals you might end up hiring to help you design your dream home. While they...
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Posted on 04/14/2022
Understanding grandmillennial style
Sometimes called “granny chic,” the grandmillennial style of decorating has come to the forefront of accessible design trends. Grandmillennial style is a perfect balance of new and vintage, mixing beloved heirloom pieces with contemporary essentials. To help you understand the basics of this chic yet comfortable decorating scheme, here are some of the key elements of the style:...
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Posted on 01/19/2022
Ideas for Building a Fireplace Mantel
A fireplace mantel can enhance the appearance of your living room or den while also giving you a place to decorate and display items. While some fireplaces come with mantels, others don’t have one. If your fireplace doesn’t have a mantel, you’re not out of luck. With a few tools and materials, you can build your own fireplace...
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Posted on 01/12/2022
The most important tips for designing your dream home interior & exterior
If you're designing a custom home interior and exterior, there are countless options available to you. Sometimes the amount of options and freedom can be more overwhelming than working within a strict template. Luckily, there are some simple ways to approach the process to make it easier to design your perfect living space. Here are some tips for...
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Posted on 11/03/2021
5 Tips to Create the Perfect Timeless Style
Image by Pixabay via Pexels Although there are plenty of interior design styles to choose from, going with a timeless look is always an excellent choice. Timeless designs mean you don’t have to worry about keeping up with the latest interior design trends or having your home look dated. With a classic or timeless style, you don’t need...
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