Tag: Seller

Posted on 12/01/2021
Ways Sellers Can Reduce Their Risk When Using a Land Contract
Land contracts can be an excellent alternative to a traditional mortgage, both for the buyer and seller. The seller assumes the role of the lender and gets regular payments from the buyer while still holding the property title. There are many advantages both for buyer and seller; but from the seller's perspective, land contracts also come with some...
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Posted on 03/24/2021
Common Reasons Your Home Hasn't Sold
Photo by Designecologist from Pexels It would not be realistic to expect your home to sell immediately (though some do), but a home that has been on the market for longer than average may have some underlying issues that are preventing the sale. Learning the most common reasons that a home fails to sell, even when others are...
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Posted on 08/12/2020
Pros and Cons of FSBO
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay For Sale by Owner (FSBO) can be an extremely tempting prospect for home sellers. If you don't have to pay the real estate commission, you can put more of the money from the house sale directly into your pocket. But it takes more of a roll-up-your-sleeves attitude to successfully complete a home...
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