Tag: Home Design

Posted on 06/26/2024
Architecture studios at home & beyond
If you're interested in interior design or architecture, it...
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Posted on 01/04/2023
Log cabin designs: What you should know
Log cabin designs have come to the forefront of...
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Posted on 10/19/2022
Interior Architect vs. Interior Designer
When you’re having a home built, you’ll be working with a team of design professionals and builders. While you might already have builders lined up, who handles the design side of your project? Interior architects and interior designers are two different types of professionals you might end up hiring to help you design your dream home. While they...
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Posted on 05/18/2022
3 Ideas for Your Unfinished Basement
If your home has an unfinished basement, it may seem like the space is useless until you take the steps to finish it. However, unfinished doesn’t have to mean useless. There are some simple and inexpensive ways you can make an unfinished basement work for you with no remodeling. Here are some inspiring ideas to try in your...
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Posted on 01/12/2022
The most important tips for designing your dream home interior & exterior
If you're designing a custom home interior and exterior, there are countless options available to you. Sometimes the amount of options and freedom can be more overwhelming than working within a strict template. Luckily, there are some simple ways to approach the process to make it easier to design your perfect living space. Here are some tips for...
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Posted on 11/03/2021
5 Tips to Create the Perfect Timeless Style
Image by Pixabay via Pexels Although there are plenty of interior design styles to choose from, going with a timeless look is always an excellent choice. Timeless designs mean you don’t have to worry about keeping up with the latest interior design trends or having your home look dated. With a classic or timeless style, you don’t need...
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Posted on 09/22/2021
Passive Solar Homes: What You Need to Know
Photo by Skylar Kang from Pexels If you're purchasing a new construction, consider the benefits of a passive solar home. Unlike simple solar panels that attach to your roof, architects design passive solar homes from the ground up, taking into consideration such elements as building site, position and materials. True passive solar homes collect heat throughout the day...
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Posted on 04/21/2021
Scandinavian Design Style Guide
Image by Monika Schröder from Pixabay Scandinavian design is a popular style in exterior and interior home design. As the name might suggest, this style originated in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and combines several elements inspired by life in the Northern Hemisphere. While similar to other styles that share some of the same concepts, Scandinavian design is far...
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Posted on 03/10/2021
Building Beautiful Wall Art with Your Photos
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay With so many pictures stored away on digital devices, we forget how enjoyable images of children, friends and memorable experiences in our living space can be. Selecting several of your more meaningful photos for a photo showcase adds character to your home and demonstrates that you value family, connection and staying active. On...
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